Dark energy is one of the biggest mysteries of modern cosmology, accounting for 68% of the total energy in the universe. For more than three decades, the Hubble Space Telescope has played a key role in studying and determining the role of dark energy in the accelerating expansion of the universe. The findings from Hubble have provided important clues to help scientists understand more about the nature of dark energy and its effects on the universe.
This article will review the important discoveries about dark energy from the Hubble Telescope, from the first breakthroughs in measuring the expansion of the universe, to discoveries about the acceleration of the process. expansion and its consequences for the ultimate fate of the universe.

Hubble Telescope And The Expansion Of The Universe
The Hubble Telescope, launched into orbit in 1990, has helped scientists observe the universe with unprecedented precision. One of Hubble’s main missions is to study the expansion of the universe, a concept first discovered by astronomer Edwin Hubble in the 1920s. Hubble’s Law, discovered at the time , shows that galaxies are moving away from Earth, and that their speed is proportional to their distance.
Hubble helped scientists improve this measurement and confirm that the universe is not only expanding, but that this expansion is accelerating. This discovery comes from observing Type Ia supernova explosions – astronomical phenomena with stable brightness, helping scientists measure precise distances in the universe.
Discovery of the Accelerated Expansion of the Universe
One of Hubble’s most astonishing discoveries is evidence that the universe is not only expanding steadily but is also expanding at an increasingly rapid rate. This goes against initial hypotheses that the gravity of matter would slow down the expansion process over time.
This finding was first announced in the late 1990s by two independent research groups. They used Hubble to observe Type Ia supernovae in distant galaxies and found that these galaxies were moving away at a faster rate than expected. This discovery led to the birth of the concept of dark energy – a mysterious force believed to be responsible for pushing galaxies apart and accelerating the expansion of the universe.
Dark Energy and Hubble’s Law
Before dark energy was discovered, Hubble’s law was thought to describe the linear expansion of the universe. However, with the advent of observations from Hubble, scientists realized that the expansion of the universe is not only a regular process but also strongly influenced by dark energy. Dark energy, with its properties of pushing galaxies apart, has completely changed the way we understand the evolution of the universe.
Hubble’s Law, thanks to precise observations from the Hubble Telescope, is now supplemented by the element of dark energy, helping us better understand the accelerated expansion process and the role of dark energy in the universe.
Observations from Hubble and the Standard Cosmological Model
Thanks to data from Hubble, scientists were able to build and strengthen the standard cosmological model – also known as the Lambda-CDM (Lambda Cold Dark Matter) model. This is a model that describes the universe as consisting of three main components: dark energy (about 68%), dark matter (about 27%), and normal matter (only about 5%).
This model explains how dark energy drives the expansion of the universe and dark matter helps maintain large structures such as galaxies and galaxy clusters. Thanks to observations from Hubble, we have a better understanding of the proportions of these components and their role in the development of the universe.
The Role of Dark Energy in the Fate of the Universe
One of the biggest questions regarding dark energy is how it will determine the fate of the universe. Data from Hubble has helped scientists make hypotheses about the future of the universe. If dark energy continues to accelerate expansion, the universe could undergo a scenario called the “Big Freeze”, in which galaxies would move too far apart, causing Stars are no longer able to form and the universe becomes cold and empty.
Another scenario is the “Big Rip”, in which dark energy becomes so powerful that it disrupts even small structures such as star systems, planets and even atoms. However, this is just one of the hypotheses that scientists are studying thanks to data from Hubble and future observations.
Further Research Projects From Hubble
Hubble has been a major contributor to dark energy research, but scientists still do not fully understand the nature of dark energy. In the future, new projects such as the James Webb Space Telescope and the Vera Rubin Observatory will continue to monitor and provide important data about dark energy. Hubble will continue to play a supporting role and provide data in the coming decades to help unravel this mystery.
Scientists hope that, thanks to the combination of Hubble and new projects, we will make great strides in better understanding the interactions between dark energy, dark matter and how The universe evolves over time.
Dark energy
The Hubble Telescope has made groundbreaking discoveries about dark energy and its role in the expansion of the universe. Thanks to precise observations from Hubble, we have gained a deeper insight into the expansion of the universe and the nature of dark energy. Although many questions remain unanswered, studies from Hubble have laid important foundations for future discoveries and brought us closer to a better understanding of the fate of the universe.
In the coming years, with the help of more advanced telescopes, combined with data from Hubble, we may be one step closer to unlocking the mysteries of dark energy and discovering the laws that govern the expansion of the universe.