The universe is constantly expanding at an increasingly faster rate, and one of the biggest factors behind this process is the existence of “dark energy” – a mysterious force that accounts for 68% of the total energy of the universe. pillar. Dark energy, although it cannot be seen or felt directly, is the main factor driving the accelerated expansion of the universe. The discovery of dark energy in the distant universe has opened up many big questions about the nature and future of the universe.
In this article, we’ll explore dark energy, how scientists discovered it, and the ongoing research that unravels dark energy’s role in driving expansion. of the universe.

What is Dark Energy?
Dark energy is a concept that refers to a mysterious form of energy that scientists believe makes up most of the energy in the universe. Although we cannot observe dark energy directly, its effects are clear: it causes the universe to expand at an increasingly rapid rate. Dark energy was discovered through observations of the redshift of distant galaxies, which showed that the galaxies were moving away at a faster rate than expected.
Before dark energy was discovered, scientists thought that gravity would slow the expansion of the universe. However, in the late 1990s, observations from Type Ia supernova explosions showed that the universe was not only expanding but also accelerating. This can only be explained by the existence of a previously unknown form of energy: dark energy.
Discovery About Dark Energy Through Type Ia Supernovae
One of the important breakthroughs in the detection of dark energy came from the study of Type Ia supernovae. This type of supernova serves as a “standard light” that helps scientists measure cosmic distances accurately. When observing these supernovae in distant galaxies, scientists found that the galaxies were moving away faster than previously predicted.
This has led to the conclusion that not only is gravity driving the expansion of the universe, but there is also another driving force – dark energy – that is causing the expansion to accelerate. This discovery has completely changed our understanding of the universe and opened up a big question about the nature of dark energy.
Interaction Between Dark Energy and Matter
Dark energy and matter in the universe interact in complex and mysterious ways. While matter, including normal matter and dark matter, is influenced by gravity and helps create the structure of the universe, dark energy appears to do the opposite. Instead of pulling galaxies closer together, dark energy pushes them apart, causing the distance between galaxies to become larger and larger.
Although we don’t know the exact mechanism of this interaction, scientists believe that dark energy could have a major impact on the evolution of the universe, from forming large galactic structures to deciding the ultimate fate of the universe. This makes dark energy one of the most important factors in modern space research.
Dark Energy Research in the Distant Universe
To better understand dark energy, scientists have focused on studying distant galaxies. Observations from the Hubble Space Telescope and other research projects have helped determine the expansion of the universe over billions of years and provided data on the interactions between matter and dark energy.
One of the most prominent projects today is the James Webb Space Telescope, designed to observe even more distant galaxies and provide more accurate data on the evolution of the universe. This project promises to provide deeper insight into how dark energy has influenced the formation and evolution of the universe over time.
Dark Energy and the Fate of the Universe
One of the biggest questions regarding dark energy is its role in determining the ultimate fate of the universe. If dark energy continues to expand the universe forever, one possible scenario is the “Big Freeze”. In this scenario, galaxies would move so far apart that stars would no longer have enough fuel to form, and the universe would become a cold and empty place.
Another scenario is the “Big Rip”, in which dark energy becomes so powerful that it not only pushes galaxies apart but also disrupts smaller structures such as star systems and planets. and even atoms. However, this is just one of many hypotheses and scientists are still working to determine the true fate of the universe.
Challenges in Understanding Dark Energy
Although dark energy is thought to make up most of the universe, studying it is difficult. We cannot observe dark energy directly, and its effects can only be seen through how it affects the expansion of the universe. This makes determining the nature of dark energy one of the greatest challenges of modern physics.
Additionally, current cosmological models cannot fully explain how dark energy works. Scientists are developing new theories to explain the accelerated expansion of the universe and clarify the relationship between dark energy, dark matter and gravity. Advances in this field could completely change the way we understand the universe and the physical laws that govern it.
Dark energy
Dark energy is one of the greatest mysteries of modern cosmology, and its discoveries in recent decades have opened up many questions about the structure and evolution of the universe. Although we know that dark energy plays an important role in driving the expansion of the universe, its nature and mechanism remain unanswered.
In the future, with developments in technology and advanced observing projects like the James Webb Space Telescope, we may be closer to a better understanding of dark energy and its effects. to space. Research on dark energy not only helps us discover new physical laws but also helps predict the ultimate fate of the universe billions of years from now.